SKYPE: wgnpdm


D-Web Content Management System  

Set Windows Media movie properties

The Windows Media Properties panel is displayed when you select (click on) a Windows Media movie (.wmv, .avi) inserted in your page. It corresponds to the <windowsmedia> tag in the Tag Selector.

The Windows Media Properties panel has two views:

  1. Simple view - it is the default one:


  2. Advanced view - it displays when you click the Advanced button in Simple view (the button then changes its label to Simple):


To configure this panel, follow the instructions below:

  1. In the Element ID text box (displayed in Simple view) enter the value for the id attribute. It will uniquely identify the element (Windows Media movie) in page.

  2. In the W text box (displayed in Simple view) you can enter a new width (in pixels) for the Windows Media movie.

  3. In the H text box (displayed in Simple view) you can enter a new height (in pixels) for the Windows Media movie.

    To keep the original size of the movie, leave the W and H text boxes to their default values. You can also resize the Windows Media movie without using the Windows Media Properties panel. Simply select it in the D-Web editable region and then drag the resize handlers:


  4. The Initial Size button (displayed in Simple view), when clicked, brings the Windows Media movie to its original dimensions.

  5. Click the Play button (displayed in both Simple and Advanced view) when you want the movie to start playing. Its label will then turn to Stop. By clicking the Stop button, the Windows Media movie will cease playing.

  6. The File text box (displayed in Simple view) shows the path on the remote server of the currently selected Windows Media movie. If you want to replace the selection with another movie, click the button next to the text box and browse to another file. You can also manually change the path and make it point to a new Windows Media movie.

  7. With the Alternate Image text box (displayed in Simple view) you can set an image to be displayed in the browsers that do not have support for playing Windows Media movies. You can either enter the full path (URL) to the image previously uploaded on the remote server or you can click the Browse for File button to select an image from the server.

  8. By clicking the Advanced button (displayed in Simple view), the Windows Media Properties panel will switch to Advanced view. You will be offered the possibility of setting advanced options for the currently selected Windows Media movie.

  9. If the Auto Start option (displayed in Advanced view) is checked, the Windows Media movie will start playing as soon as the page loads.

  10. If the Show Controls option (displayed in Advanced view) is checked, controls such as pause/play, stop, rewind, forward will be displayed under the actual movie area in page.

  11. If the Show Display option (displayed in Advanced view) is checked, the playlist name and the name of the Windows Media movie file will be shown under the movie area in page or under the controls bar, if they were set to show.

  12. If the Show Status Bar option (displayed in Advanced view) is checked, you will be told how much time out of the total movie time has passed since the movie started playing. This information will be displayed under the display area, if it was set to show; if not, under the controls bar, if it was set to show; else, right under the movie area.

  13. The Align drop-down menu (displayed in Advanced view) contains the options for the Windows Media movie alignment relatively to the page:

    • Default

    • Baseline

    • Top

    • Middle

    • Bottom

    • Text Top

    • Absolute Middle

    • Absolute Bottom

    • Left

    • Right

  14. By clicking the Simple button (displayed in Advanced view), the Windows Media Properties panel will switch to Simple view. You will be offered the possibility of setting various options for the currently selected Windows Media movie.

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